Terms and Conditions for Conference Attendance

Value Statement

At our organization we are committed to upholding the values of respect, diversity, and growth. If you plan on attending our conference, we request that you honor and maintain these principles in their entirety. As conference leaders (Secretary-General and Director-Generals), we reserve the right to take appropriate action, including disqualification or removal from the event, for any violation of the following rules.


All attendees are required to treat the people around them with the utmost respect for the duration of the conference. This means no denigratory language, no use of traditionally diminutive terms, and no derogatory/denigratory allusions to events of violence/recognised disaster. 

Harassment is forbidden as well. No attendee shall repeat a behavior previously indicated as making another attendee uncomfortable. Please keep in mind that this includes the relationships between advisors/visitors/students and NYU personnel. 

With this in mind, advisors/visitors/students are not allowed to disrupt staffers or Directorate members not on the help desk team. Non help desk team NYU personnel reserve the right to terminate a conversation/communication at any point, and no non-Directorate members are permitted to stop them. Any forceful or aggressive communication is grounds for automatic removal . Violent action or rhetoric in non-committee conduct will be dealt with swiftly, and attendees utilizing this will instantly receive a life long ban. If you have any challenges or general problems please refer to our established help desk with specific questions. 

Another form of respect is abiding by EmpireMUNC’s Western Business Attire (WBA) dress code. Unless otherwise specified by an official form of communication, it (WBA) is expected to be worn at all times. If not worn, removal from the conference is likely. For guidance on what WBA entails refer to Best Delegate’s guidelines for males and females.

Any forms of non-consensual touching are also strictly prohibited, with any instance of violating another attendee’s physical being constituting instant grounds for removal and possible reporting to other legal or institutional authorities. 

Seeking to respect the separation of institutions involved, no NYU affiliated personnel shall have personal contact with any delegates regardless of age difference. This is in addition to NYU’s own rules, which do not permit any individual contact with visiting minors by NYU students at all, under any circumstances. If communication with a minor, face-to-face or online, is necessary due to abnormal circumstances, it must be done through a medium in which as many other people as possible can oversee the entire process. 

Through official communication, all events each attendee group is expected to attend will be shared. If absent for any reason, ask for approval as soon as possible. Non-approved absences are ground for removal. If NYU personnel are sick or injured, they should instantly make Directorate aware of their possible absence. Otherwise, they may not be invited back next year. Delegations are expected to attend all sessions in the schedule, if this is not possible for your delegation, notification to the official conference email is required. 


At Model United Nations we talk about many contentious and querulous topics, and positive discussion is not only ok, but encouraged. However, we have a zero tolerance policy for advocating, belittling, or ridiculing of problematic or otherwise sensitive historical/current people, groups, or events. This includes but is not limited to: genocides, slavery, segregation, discrimination, terrorism, smuggling, drugs, alcohol, etc. 

Our conference philosophy is “to better, not ignore.” We recognise the dangers of revisionist history while also advocating for a safe environment overall. Violence, poverty, disease, and death are natural facts of life, but use them as means to your plan, not as a tool for oppression, ridiculement, belittlement, or maleficent advocation. 

If attendees use good judgment, we aim to ensure that action will be fair and understanding. 

Respect people’s individuality as well, and encourage participation. Everyone is instructed to be kind and inclusive of all people and opinions, which will be positives considered for any promotion. (Awards for students, reinvitation/awards for delegations, future applications for staff). Do not exclude people from conference-related activities purposefully, this is a serious violation of our rules and will be punished.


EmpireMUNC highly values the growth of all its attendees. Over almost anything else, our conference is here to build the student and staff’s skills for the real world, so the mentality of growth is what we expect our attendees to exhibit. 

If delegates come to the conference they are expected to participate, be on time, and do research. When considering awards, we will emphasize taking committee advice into consideration, representing our conference principles, and being inclusive. 

Staffers are expected to do all their responsibilities on time, attend required events at the times specified, and focus extensively on making the conference the best it can be. Those we feel do not represent these standards may be demoted. 

Conference Rules Purview

The latter rules apply to all forms of communication and interaction , including outside of the conference, for the duration of the conference itself. This includes but is not limited to: texting, socializing (even if not in NYU buildings), social media DMs, etc. Please report any infringement of rules to Directorate, at any time, through our anonymous forms or in-person communication. 

Logistic Procedures

Any staff issues should be communicated to the staff team (Director of Personnel or Staff), content questions should be asked to your specific content head, and any issues by delegations should be asked to the help desk team (designated at the conference). 

Official messages are any EmpireMUNC emails or messages officially approved by one of the generals (please check with each communication if this was true). Any official communication should have email evidence, otherwise it may not be used to prove any exceptions. 

Any disciplinary process will be carried out by the generals, and all final decisions rest on their authority. If the problem is serious enough NYU administration or authorities may be contacted for further consequences.